Facial Toner


Facial Toner


Rosemary Facial Toner - removes traces of makeup and dirt while gently balancing your skins pH.

Neroli Hyrdosol is the base ingredient in this toner - Neroli helps rebuild elasticity in the skin and generate new skin cells. Minimize age spots and smooth wrinkles.

Witch Hazel - has many benefits for skin, including relieving inflammation & tightening pores.

Rosemary Oil hydrates the skin, which helps to control oil production. It also provides an antibacterial surface for the skin

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Ingredients: Hydrosol distillate of Citrus aurantium (Neroli) essential oil, Witch Hazel & Rosemary Essential Oil

Directions: Apply to clean skin, morning and evening before applying facial oil or moisturizer.

Shake before using

Store in refrigerator to prolong shelf life.

Preservative free - store in cool place.